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year 9, Issue 1 (Semi-Annual 2024)                   CIAUJ 2024, 9(1): 169-187 | Back to browse issues page

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Sedaghati A. A Study on the Changes in the Concept of House under the New Urban Lifestyle with an Islamic Approach. CIAUJ 2024; 9 (1) :169-187
URL: http://ciauj-tabriziau.ir/article-1-520-en.html
Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Arts, University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran , a.sedaghati@ub.ac.ir
Abstract:   (794 Views)
The concept of “house” is greatly important as one of the most significant buildings in the city. In fact, in addition to covering a larger area among other urban uses, house involves the most hours spent in people’s lives. Meanwhile, for a long time, “house” has been associated with original cultural and traditional values for the Iranians and it has had a secret status for every person. At the same time, the development of modern houses in the country, tastes and preferences, and consequently, the contemporary needs of people have gone through perceptible conceptual changes under the influence of Western architecture. The present study, which is conducted with a descriptive-analytical approach, qualitative paradigm, and Islamic realism, has an inductive process that explains various effective factors on house development proportionality and modern urban lifestyle. Accordingly, it seeks to evaluate the changes in the concept of house under the modern urban lifestyle with consideration to the Islamic approach through semi-structured interviews with experts. Findings, revolving around three main questions, indicate that the concept of the modern house is influenced by the economic factors, utilitarian point of view, personal interests, and financial expediency of people, more than its proportion with the content of modern urban lifestyle. The result of such a trend is the construction of homes that are far from the content of the traditional concept of the house that does not include many concepts of Islamic house development. However, it seems that commitment to some original values and beliefs of the society such as privacy, avoiding aristocracy, and respecting the condition of the neighbor affect the personal preferences in choosing the home, under any conditions. People try to optimize their preferences by balancing their financial capability and such features in their chosen home. Finally, the concept of a modern “home” is a social construct that represents the modern individual identity, financial capability, and the cultural values dominant in society. This concept, in proportion to his financial capability and along the codified criteria for urban house development, can include more original and appropriate values of the concept of “home” in the context of an Iranian-Islamic city.The concept of “house” is greatly important as one of the most significant buildings in the city. In fact, in addition to covering a larger area among other urban uses, house involves the most hours spent in people’s lives. Meanwhile, for a long time, “house” has been associated with original cultural and traditional values for the Iranians and it has had a secret status for every person. At the same time, the development of modern houses in the country, tastes and preferences, and consequently, the contemporary needs of people have gone through perceptible conceptual changes under the influence of Western architecture. The present study, which is conducted with a descriptive-analytical approach, qualitative paradigm, and Islamic realism, has an inductive process that explains various effective factors on house development proportionality and modern urban lifestyle. Accordingly, it seeks to evaluate the changes in the concept of house under the modern urban lifestyle with consideration to the Islamic approach through semi-structured interviews with experts. Findings, revolving around three main questions, indicate that the concept of the modern house is influenced by the economic factors, utilitarian point of view, personal interests, and financial expediency of people, more than its proportion with the content of modern urban lifestyle. The result of such a trend is the construction of homes that are far from the content of the traditional concept of the house that does not include many concepts of Islamic house development. However, it seems that commitment to some original values and beliefs of the society such as privacy, avoiding aristocracy, and respecting the condition of the neighbor affect the personal preferences in choosing the home, under any conditions. People try to optimize their preferences by balancing their financial capability and such features in their chosen home. Finally, the concept of a modern “home” is a social construct that represents the modern individual identity, financial capability, and the cultural values dominant in society. This concept, in proportion to his financial capability and along the codified criteria for urban house development, can include more original and appropriate values of the concept of “home” in the context of an Iranian-Islamic city.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Culture & lifestyle
Received: 2023/12/16 | Accepted: 2024/01/2 | ePublished: 2024/08/21

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