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Volume 5, Issue 1 (Semi-Annual 2020)                   CIAUJ 2020, 5(1): 23-36 | Back to browse issues page

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Rahmani J. Explaining the Model of Urban Management Based on Islamic Participation: Case Study of Zanjan City. CIAUJ 2020; 5 (1) :23-36
URL: http://ciauj-tabriziau.ir/article-1-225-en.html
Urbanism researcher, Zanjan, Iran , javad10139@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2955 Views)
In urban management context, the concept of partici­pation is one of the most important and challenging topics in urban planning. Unfortunately, in our coun­try, most urban management practices have been im­plemented from above and from outside, which now necessitates a move from bottom and interior to lo­calize them. The main purpose of this study is to ex­plain the urban management model based on Islamic participation in Zanjan. Adopting a logical reasoning approach from a realistic approach, this study uses a retrospective strategy. As regards research method, a combination of logical-analytical reasoning is used. According to Allameh Tabataba’i’s theory, which is based on a realistic approach, the government be­longs to the people and the people have the right to participate in social decision-making and to vote equally and have the right to monitor the govern­ment. Given the perspective of urban management and the role of citizens in urban management, as well as Allameh Tabatabai’s view of Islamic government, one can see that citizens not only can play a role in city management but also can participate in man­agement and governance. It is mandatory. In their view, this can be said to be based on the guardianship principle. Given the theoretical approach of research, i.e. Anthony Giddens' theory of construction, the pre­liminary model based on Islamic participation was offered in the four dimensions of the policy-making body, the decision-making body, the executive body, the control and oversight body. In addition, since data analysis is one of the most important steps in social research, especially in cases that data are collected from field research, the data from the questionnaires completed by the statistical population were summa­rized and the results were used in conclusions and evaluating the hypotheses. In this regard, after evalu­ating the model presented by citizens, experts and urban managers of Zanjan, the evaluation and moni­toring body was added to the four previous bodies of urban management model. As to what is the optimal model and solution for participation in urban man­agement (later selected urban management model) for Islamic-Iranian cities (case study of Zanjan), it was determined that according to Allameh Tabatabai’s guardianship principle and opinions submitted by citi­zens, experts and urban managers, the structure of participation in Islamic urban management (Zanjan) will fall in five dimensions: policy-making body, deci­sion-making body, executive body, control-monitoring body and evaluation and monitoring body.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Conceptualization of theorizing in Islamic architecture and urban ism
Received: 2019/07/31 | Accepted: 2019/12/24 | ePublished: 2020/05/14

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