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Volume 6, Issue 1 (Semi-Annual 2021)                   CIAUJ 2021, 6(1): 19-38 | Back to browse issues page

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Mikaeili R, Karami E, Yousefi Tazakor M. Study and analysis of quality evaluation indicators of contemporary Iranian-Islamic houses based on hierarchical analysis method (Case study: Houses built in the last 40 years in Tabriz). CIAUJ 2021; 6 (1) :19-38
URL: http://ciauj-tabriziau.ir/article-1-281-en.html
1- Department of Architecture, Ardabil branch Islamic Azad University of Ardebil, Ardebil, Iran
2- Department of Architecture, Ardabil branch Islamic Azad University of Ardebil, Ardebil, Iran , architectk_ik@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2672 Views)
In general, place and space, regardless of the cultural context, are often discussed based on the concepts and studies of Western thinkers, and places and spaces formed in this culture are mostly measured and evaluated with non-native tools and methods. This research has been written with the aim of analyzing the quality evaluation indicators of desirable Iranian-Islamic contemporary housing based on the method of hierarchical analysis. In fact, first, using the Islamic epistemological framework and system from the type of narrated sources (Quran, narrations and hadiths), the indicators and, consequently, the quality components of contemporary housing were extracted. Then, these cases have been analyzed using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Choice software. It should be noted that in this article, 48 questionnaires completed by experts (researchers in the field of housing, architects and urban planners, faculty members, university professors and doctoral students in the field of architecture and urban planning) were used. The case studies of the present study are based on the construction time parameter into 4 sets, which include the period of post-revolutionary buildings. In fact, the purpose of this article is not to compare the periods or just a random study of examples of this period, but to provide an overview of this period and the quality of contemporary housing according to different patterns and indicators derived from theoretical foundations and texts. It is an Islamic framework. The validity of the questionnaire was checked and confirmed by experts. Also, the internal consistency of the responses was investigated by calculating the incompatibility rate and since the incompatibility rate was less than 0.1, the reliability of the tool was ensured. The results indicate that according to experts, between the proposed and effective indicators on the quality of contemporary housing, the index of "human needs" with a weight coefficient (0.409) has the most impact, followed by the factor of "performance-activity" with Weight coefficient (0.204) has the second effect among the various indicators of contemporary Islamic housing quality.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Culture & lifestyle
Received: 2021/06/26 | Accepted: 2021/08/26 | ePublished: 2021/11/21

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