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year 7, Issue 2 (Semi-Annual 2022)                   CIAUJ 2022, 7(2): 17-38 | Back to browse issues page

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Fadavi R, Namvar Motlaq B, Mohammadian A. Rereading the Relationship between the Rules Governing Urban Jurisprudence Based on Gérard Genette's Theory of Transtextuality. CIAUJ 2022; 7 (2) :17-38
URL: http://ciauj-tabriziau.ir/article-1-365-en.html
1- Faculty of Islamic Crafts, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran
2- Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran , f.rahele@gmail.com
3- Faculty of Jurisprudence and Law, Bozorgmehr Ghaenat University, Ghaen, Iran
Abstract:   (1198 Views)
The city, as a phenomenon, consists of many aspects that are always in the focus of researchers' attention from different perspectives. The visual order of the city and its architectural structure is an issue that both represents the material facilities and resources of the city and manifests the rules and cultural and social values of the city. Man, as the most important member of the city, is constantly interacting with the city space and its evolution, which causes the establishment of urban law rules and the need to pay attention to the preservation of citizenship rights. The present article rereads the basics of urban law in a problem-oriented research with a descriptive and analytical method and recognizes it in religious teachings and jurisprudence texts. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to explain the rules of urban jurisprudence as the main source that accurately considers the rights of city residents and states their commitment to the city's civil rules. Also, relying on Gérard Genett's transtextuality approach, the intertextual relationships of these rules are analyzed and a new reading is obtained from them. In the texts of Islamic jurisprudence, we also encounter many rules, from the point of view of Sharia's approach to man and the surrounding environment, mutual individual and social rights, freedom in the privacy of the home, the right to use nature's resources in principle and properly, and responsibility towards individuals. On the other hand, participation in maintaining the urban space and avoiding harming its facilities and resources is a right and responsibility for humans. Harmless jurisprudential rule (la darar), rule of tasleet, rule of etlaf, rule of tasbib and many principles and clauses included in the text of citizenship rights laws are considered among the most important jurisprudential and legal rules corresponding to urban rights. Therefore, we can point out the importance of jurisprudence and legal sources in explaining the rulings and regulations related to urban planning and architecture. In this way, both specialists in the field of urban planning and Islamic urbanism can use these rules, and architects and even citizens can use these principles in the field of civil engineering and the construction process and revive them in contemporary architecture. In addition, in order to achieve a conceptual and theoretical model of jurisprudence rules for their better efficiency, rereading these rules and organizing them from the perspective of transtextuality theory has been done in order to gain a deeper understanding of the textual relationships and their hidden and visible layers. The findings and results of the research show that the harmless rule (la darar)  is one of the most fundamental jurisprudential rules that plays an irreplaceable role in determining the rights of individuals and its fair implementation on all parts of the city. Also, based on the transtextual approach, the effect of the harmless rule (la darar) can be clearly seen in other rules of urban jurisprudence and some articles of the charter of citizenship rights, which indicates that this rule is pre-textual and the adoption of other jurisprudence and legal rules as resulting hypertexts from that. In other words, individual rights, social rights, spatial and environmental rights, whose commitment is explained in numerous laws, texts and legal charters are all based on the consideration of protecting the rights of others and the obligation to avoid harming them, which is the aforementioned rule implies all these concepts.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Conceptualization of theorizing in Islamic architecture and urban ism
Received: 2022/05/22 | Accepted: 2023/01/24 | ePublished: 2023/02/27

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