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year 7, Issue 2 (Semi-Annual 2022)                   CIAUJ 2022, 7(2): 181-192 | Back to browse issues page

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rajabi F. Explaining the Architectural Quality Model of Neighborhood Space to Improve Social Capital. CIAUJ 2022; 7 (2) :181-192
URL: http://ciauj-tabriziau.ir/article-1-434-en.html
Faculty of Architecture and Art, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran , f.rajabi@pnu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1116 Views)
The physical space in the neighborhood is the bed of social activities in the social relations of the neighborhood. On the one hand, this space is formed during social relations, therefore, the architecture of the physical space and social relations are in a two-way relationship. On the other hand, social relations are the primary core of forming and strengthening social capital. Therefore, the architecture of the physical space is effective in the formation and strengthening of social capital, and not paying attention to it leads to many social problems, including reducing social participation, lack of security, increasing criminality, and finally, the loss of satisfaction and a sense of being pointed out. Today, despite the efforts of specialists to create sociable physical spaces, social relations have not expanded significantly, and following this reduction of relations, social capital has been in a downward trend. There has been no formation and strengthening of social relations in the neighborhood, and the decrease in presence in the neighborhood has led to a decrease in the possibility of social relations and ultimately an unprecedented decrease in local social capital. The review of the literature on the subject shows a lack of agreement between the most desirable physical space to promote social capital, so the purpose of this research is to explain a model of the architectural qualities of physical space at the neighborhood scale that will promote local social capital and reduce social problems, more precisely, the main question of the research is about the physical aspects of the neighborhood space, through which the social capital of the neighborhood is formed and increased. In this regard, to formulate the theoretical framework of the research, the theoretical texts related to social capital and the architecture of the body of space are examined. According to the findings of this section, the key component of promoting social capital is social relations in the form of social groups with purposeful joint activities. Then, the necessary samples for examination are identified and selected in four steps from among the neighborhoods of Tehran. In the continuation of the research method section, evaluation, and measurement of the level of social capital in selected samples were done. Evaluation of social capital was done by examining the composition of group social relations in the selected sample stations by counting group relations. It should be noted that the selected stations are selected by stratified random sampling. Finally, the analysis of the qualities of the physical space is carried out by the method of field perception and the evaluation of how these variables are related by the method of logical inductive reasoning which creates the final model of the research, and based on this model, the creation of public spaces with a small scale in the neighborhood space can be achieved. Both pedestrian axes and stopping places (independent variable), these spaces, while emphasizing the presence of residents (mediator variable) instead of temporary transit, lead to the promotion of local social capital (dependent variable); meanwhile, the qualities of these public areas are discussed in the final model.
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Type of Study: Case study | Subject: Identifying the way of life based on the three components of the body, lifestyle and concepts - meanings
Received: 2022/12/31 | Accepted: 2023/02/19 | ePublished: 2023/02/27

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