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year 8, Issue 1 (Semi-Annual 2023)                   CIAUJ 2023, 8(1): 161-176 | Back to browse issues page

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Salkhi Khasraghi S, Soltani M. Assessment of Creative Groups in Architectural Modeling Workshops (Evaluation of Architecture Students' Creativity in-Person and Virtual Education). CIAUJ 2023; 8 (1) :161-176
URL: http://ciauj-tabriziau.ir/article-1-452-en.html
1- Department of Arts and Architecture, University of Bonab, Bonab, Iran , s.salkhi@ubonab.ac.ir
2- Department of Arts and Architecture, University of Bonab, Bonab, Iran
Abstract:   (774 Views)
With the expansion of educational centers in various academic disciplines, especially architecture, and the unequal balance between academic education and the production of technical knowledge, the training of creative learners becomes necessary. Failure to pay attention to the different learning styles of students is one of the disadvantages of traditional architecture education systems. Considering the importance of creative education in today's pluralistic era, in the first step, a brief opinion on the importance of group formation in the development and strengthening of interpersonal skills and the learners themselves is provided. In the second step, Ned Herman's whole-brain model to provide a method for forming creative groups is introduced, and in the third step, creativity in class group work, individual home work, and the final project in three selected educational centers in Tabriz and Bonab in the modeling workshop and examining the role of groups is presented. Creative works on increasing the individual creativity of students based on statistical analysis and based on the HBDI scale (Hermann's Brain Mastery Instrument). In the fourth step, it is devoted to the analysis of thinking tendencies and creativity by making a comparison between education in the virtual and in-person classes. Among the three factors that affect education (individual, teacher and educational environment), the authors, by accepting the student management system, consider the importance of the teacher in controlling and directing creative workshops, and in setting the lesson plan, he considers the teaching method to be effective, which is the foundation, facilitator and incentive to lead to comprehensive and independent education. In this article, due to the importance of educating creative people, recent theories about the brain process were studied, and Ned Herman’s all-brain model was used considering that the latest model is more compatible with architectural workshops. In the fourth step, it is dedicated to the analysis of thinking and creativity by making comparisons between virtual and in-person education. It seems that in an activity like architecture that needs to be examined from different aspects or should have different activities in combination, teamwork experience is an effective version. Since the nature of the field of architecture, especially design, requires the provision of several skills, and in the professional future, this need will be felt more strongly in the work environment outside, so the practice and experience of teamwork during education, in the development of interactive skills, cooperation and coordination of people can be beneficial. Design in practice is a collaborative activity. According to the need for teamwork in architecture offices and group harmony, the need for the formation of creative groups is felt. The findings of the research indicate that by gaining knowledge of the distinctive skills of people, a creative group can be formed for collective learning, which increases creativity in individual work at home and provides a better basis for the formation of new combinations of people in groups for the final project. Also, virtual workshops and fewer opportunities for group work in the virtual era have reduced creativity and average grades.
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Type of Study: Case study | Subject: the comparative studies of Architecture and Urbanism in the realm of Cultural Iran
Received: 2023/03/14 | Accepted: 2023/08/29 | ePublished: 2023/09/21

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