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Volume 2, Issue 2 (Fall & Winter 2017)                   CIAUJ 2017, 2(2): 1-13 | Back to browse issues page

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Heydari Delgarm M, Bemanian M R, Ansari M. The Comparison of Holistic Viewpoints before and after Modern era in Architecture. CIAUJ 2017; 2 (2) :1-13
URL: http://ciauj-tabriziau.ir/article-1-47-en.html
1- Tarbiat Modares University
2- Tarbiat Modares University , bemanian@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (117 Views)

Modern holism is an approach which has arisen after recognizing failure of Atomistic viewpoint in mechanical description of the world, in order to rectify its defections; Old and new holism are usually considered analogous, but the main question of this paper is that what are the similarities and differences of architecture based on new and old holistic viewpoints and what do they have in common. The hypothesis of this study is that although new and old holism have many similarities but do not completely match, and thus the architecture originated from them would also be different. This study aims to clarify the relation between new and old holism. The comparative study of the two paradigms, after extracting parameters for comparison by thematic analysis, and Delphi methods has been done by logical reasoning. This analysis has been accomplished in three fields of bases, relation between bases and praxis, and praxis. In the factors of praxis, Humoral paradigm and its results in architecture beside Salingaros’ theory of architecture has been compared in regard to interaction of architectural sub-parts, interaction of architecture with human and with environment.

 It is stated that new holism is mostly based on mathematical models while old holism is based on causality. Also humoral paradigm acquires its knowledge based on everyday perceptions, and heavenly inspirations, while modern physics relies on experiments and models which try to minimize human factor. By doing so humoral paradigm makes an a priori language which ordinary people and scholars could understand and advance their knowledge, but modern physics lacks a perceivable language for the masses, and many of its findings, especially in the fields of quantum mechanics and general relativity, are far removed from everyday experience. Since there is a normative statement of moderation in humoral paradigm, one can relate its prescriptions to the base theory, but modern physics by definition lacks such norms and to make architectural theory based on it, Salingaros had difficulty making a median normative statement to turn physics into architectural theory. The relation of his three rules of proportion in architecture remains vague with physics, and the only similarity seems to be his belief in timeless and placeless rules of architecture. He even subtly denies the role of building materials, cultures, and periods. This is totally in contrast to humoral prescriptions which not only take into consideration, the time or place, but also materials, environmental factors, users, and many other factors. Ultimately it has been concluded that new holism is more a tradition originated from modern atomism, than being analogous to old holism. Humoral viewpoint as one of the ancient holistic perspectives, provides a unified approach for the items that are not outwardly related to each other. In fact, humoral viewpoint can be seen as the complementation of the "theory of everything" which holistic philosophers are wishing to achieve.

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Type of Study: Original Article |
Received: 2015/12/15 | Accepted: 2016/09/10 | ePublished: 2017/03/13

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